Lucy was once
well favoured but due to
corruption disloyalty he
fell from grace.
After releasing lucy Cameal then became Abaddon the first ever demon
and the leader of all the demons
uses his demon orb to control
as a sign of leadership.
Adramalech another demon created by lucy and derived from camael. Adramalech is seen as the weaker among the demons and is rank the lowest.
Crude and brutal Asmodeus the demon of cruelty. Another derivated of Cameal he is his demon counter part.
Amon another servant to Lucy this demon is the demon of mischeif and confusion.
Ahpuch the most dangerous demon amongst all the demons he has pure blood lust and is second to none with being evil.
Apollyon a faithful demon created by lucy. Apollyon is a faithful warrior and servant super skillful.
Ahriman a demon created by Lucy he is derived from Cameal and loyal servant to Lucy.
Emotional Fairy Onni Created after the war to live among the humans in earth dimension he fills joy and happiness into their lives and is very important to bringing high spirits to everyone.
Emotional fairy Tristesse created after the war between Lucy and god of all Tristesse is very important in the earth dimension he gives everything a sense of fear that is needed in life.
Emotional Fairy Amanthis created after the war between Lucy and God of all he lives in earth dimension. His role in the earth dimension is he pushes envy into the hearts of humans.
Fury the Emotional angry Fairy, Fury is encompasses anger he is surges anger through humans in the earth realm.
Amia the Emotional love Fairy, Amia is filled with pure love he uses this emotion to spread love love across all humans in Earth dimension.
Emotional Fairy Ill created after the war between Lucy and God of all he lives in earth dimension. He regulates the health among the humans.
Emotional Fairy phobia created after the war between Lucy and God of all
he lives in earth dimension to help channel the emotion of fear among the humans.
Elemental Sparky a Fairy born from the elemental bridge he controls the energy that passes through the air and everything electric and static sparky controls.
Elemental Terra is an Fairy that used to construct the earth and the land. Terra was also born from the elemental bridge. He also controls the earth movement of the human planet and is one of the most important Fairies.
Elemental Azar is an Fairy that controls the temperature and heat in the human dimension Azar was born from the elemental bridge.
Elemental Ara is an Fairy that controls the water and the ocean in the human dimension and also controls the weather through rain, Ara was born from the elemental bridge.
Elemental Gale is an Fairy that
controls the air and the wind in the
Human dimension and is born from
elemental bridge.
Zadkiel the Fairy lives
within the sunny
dimension he promotes
Uriel the Fairy possess the legendary third eye achieved through intense meditation.
Lux the keeper of prohecies with his Fairy abilities he can see things before they happen he resides in dimension 20. where prophecies are being written.
Azrael the roamer he cant be touched he cant be seen spends his time in his own world.
Zakai extraordinary, peculiar and little odd Zakai stands out out massively among the rest of the Fairies.
Camael the Fairy strength, courage and war. Wherever there is good there will always be bad.
Micheal Fairy has an very fun and playful nature something that lets all the other fairies very attracted to him.
Haniel filled with joy and love haniel is attracted to peace and happiness he has to be in dimensions filled with light and colour.
Raphael the highest ranking fairy communicates directly to god of all carrying out orders and relaying information to the dimensions.
Lucy the first ever fairy created before the corruption took over his soul is pure.
God of all the creator of the universe and the creator the Fairies.